Northern Student Local Scholarship Applications
The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
TFEC scholarships open January 1! I wanted to share a list of new scholarships available for 2025. We now have approximately 190 local scholarships offered through TFEC, which means there is a lot of free money available for your students.
New UA Scholarships for 2025:
University Center of Harrisburg- Designed to meet the academic and vocational needs of persons residing in central Pennsylvania. The University Center at Harrisburg Scholarship Fund was created to provide grants to deserving students who reside in Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry, Lebanon counties, or Dillsburg area.
Trinity Tutors- Attended Scott, Foose or Downey Elementary Schools in Second grade and participated in the Trinity Tutors program from Harrisburg City School district.
LISTO Scholarship- Graduating high school senior who is also a LISTO (Latino Hispanic American Community Center’s Leadership Institute Star Training Opportunities Program) graduate.
Abby Hornung Memorial Scholarship- For those interested in becoming mental health professionals. Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved, and supported.
Bob Hovis Educational Scholarship – For a male and a female graduating high school senior from Waynesboro High School.
Lutheran Camping Corporation Scholarship- Student should have been a counselor or staff member at Camp Kirchenwald or Camp Nawakwa the previous year’s camping season.
New to the TFEC UNIVERSAL APPLICATION- Central PA Architects Foundation Fund (previously a stand-alone scholarship). Students who are present or former residents of one of the following Pennsylvania counties: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, or York, and currently enrolled in an architecture degree program.
We will get all high school and county flyers updated as soon as possible. In the meantime, please direct your students to the High School Universal Application (UA). Their answers on the UA determine which scholarships they are eligible for. It will also provide them a list of necessary documents to support each individual scholarship.
They should also review the stand-alone scholarship applications and apply for any of those they are eligible for.
Celina Bertovic
Program Officer for Educational Opportunities
Your partner in philanthropy & community impact.
Scholarships that fall under TFEC: Big 33 Academic, Conrad Siegel Numbers Matter, Drane & Steele Music, Horation Alger Scholarship, Louise A. Dixon Memorial,
Melvin J & Alice Gayle Reeder Scholarship, Rotary Club of York, Sam Mizrahi Memorial, Thad G Gayman Memorial.
Edgar Kable Engineering Scholarship
Christopher Columbus Scholarship Fund
Hagan Scholarship Foundation Unique need-based merit scholarship, 3.5 Cumulative grade point average.
Due December 01
Advancing Women Advancing Transportation, Central PA
Due December 6
Due January 9, 2025
ABC Keystone Merit Shop Construction Scholarship Construction
Due February 23
Garden Club of York Biology, horticulture, landscape architecture , conservation, forestry, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, environmental sciences, land management, wildlife sciences, urban/rural planning, agriculture, floriculture.
Due February 28
Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship Application Orrstown Bank awards multiple scholarships from $1,000 to $3,000. Applicants do not need to be a client of Orrstown to apply.
Due March 1
Keystone Contractors Association Scholarship - Students who seek a construction-related degree
Due March 1
The Arc Of York & Adams Counties Dudley & sylvia Kramer Memorial Scholarship
Due: March 2
Questeq - The Ron Main Scholarship for Education and Innovation Honoring our late founder, Up to 6 talented seniors across our customer school district will receive $1,000 awards this year.
Due March 10
Eureka-West Shore Lodge # 302 Free & Accepted Masons of PA Scholarship
Open to applications from any child, grandchild, step-child, step grandchild of a member or a deceased member of Eureka-West Shore Lodge #302, as well as the Moasonic affiliated organizations that meet in the Lodge building. The scholarship will be $1,000
Due March 15th
H.O.P.E Jeanette Cartwright Memorial Scholarship
Due March 15, 2025
Kevin Butler Scholarship - Pick up a copy of the scholarship in the guidance office, open to all students
Due March 18
Polar Bear Foundation Scholarships Stock & Leader Scholarship, Northern Farmer's Fair Reunion Scholarship, Ken Hutchison Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Brian M. Small Scholarship and Drs. Warren Scholarship.
Due March 21
Lincoln Intermediate Unit Scholarship
Due March 21
York County Hispanic Scholarship
Due March 21
Central Region School Facility Mangers Scholarship
Due March 22 Technical
Due March 3 General
John D. Bare Memorial Scholarship
Due March 29
Engineering Society of York - Edgar P. Kable Scholarship Generally awards four $2,000 Edgar P. kable Scholarships each year. Each recipient in good standing will then receive $2,000/year for the following three years ($8,000 total)
Due March 31 Engineering
Ernest R. McDowell Health Career Scholar
Due March 31 Health Career
Lowther Manor Lodge Scholarship
Due March 31 General
Northern HS Alumni Scholarship
Due March 31 General
Penn-Cumberland Garden Club Scholarship Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Architecture, Conservation, Forestry, Urban or Regional Planning, Environmental Science, Botany or Ecology related Studies.
Due March 31
Jenny Danner Scholarship
Due April 1 General
Robert Bostic Scholarship
Due April 1
Northern Football Scholarship Football - 2 years
Due April 1 Football - 2 years
Pinchot Park Lions Club Scholarship
Due April 1
Randy Rebert Softball
Due April 1
Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine College Scholarship. $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a member of WGHSEA, Inc., their child or grandchild. The member must be in good standing for the 2year prior to the senior making application. The scholarship will be payable only to a college or university financial account.
Due April 4th
Trade/Technical School -Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine. The scholarship will be payable only to a technical/trade school financial account or the purchase of tools for a trade from a tool supplier for an apprenticeship or internship.
Due April 4th
Epilepsy Scholarship Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder
Due April 7
West Shore Sertoma Club Scholarship
Due April 15
America and Me - Elks Lodge 2257 General
Due April 15
Wellsville Elementary Scholarship Student that attended Wellsville Elementary School
Due April 15
Student-view Scholarship Program General
Due April 23
Northern Music Booster Scholarship Music
Due April 19
Patricia Heatwole Memorial Scholarship Teaching
Due April 22
Dillsburg Community Association Scholarship
Due April 28
Kiwanis: Key Club Scholarship
Due April 28
William Everett Potter Memorial Scholarship General
Due April 30
Dr. John H. Lemmon Love of Running Running
Due April 30
Northern York Education Association Education
Due May 1
Brenda T Barndt Memorial French Scholarship French
Due May 14
Brenda T. Barndt Cheerleading Scholaship Cheering
Due May 14
Due August 1