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Click on the links below to view a short video on the subject.

Student Submitting Documents in Schoologyย - A student perspective is used to show how to open an assignment that requires you to complete a document. Also, the submission process is reviewed with pointers to save the document and linkage between Schoology and OneDrive.

Discussion Boards for Studentsย - Students are shown how to navigate their course and participate in a discussion board.

Page for Studentsย - Pages are means to disseminate information. Here is a peek from a users perspective with explanation of what they are and how to navigate a course to get to one.

Attaching a file submission to a Schoology assignment -ย submitting an assignment that is not an edited document.

Schoology mobile app - information about using the Schoology app.

Checking Graded Materials in Schoologyย โ€“ Here is a quick tutorial that helps students/parents check grades, assignment status, and assignment comments in Schoology.ย 

Creating PDFs with OneDrive for Uploadย - The OneDrive app is an easy way to create PDFโ€™s to upload to Schoology.ย  Here is a playlist with tutorials for both the Android and iPhone OneDrive app installation and use.


