Student Assistance Program
Student Asssistance Program (SAP) TEAM
Northern High School
Our Program:
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) team gives school staff the opportunity to identify and help those students whose lives are being negatively affected by high-risk behavior or emotional disturbance.
Our Mission:
To Identify, intervene, refer and monitor students having school related problems because of alcohol, drugs and or mental health issues.
How to make a referral:
A referral form can be completed at SAP REFERRAL
What happens after a student is referred:
Team members gather information from other staff members who have contact with the student. An informal team meeting is convened to determine the status of the referral. The parents and student are contacted and asked to provide consent before SAP services are initiated.
Support Services:
Steve Lehman
Mike Walker
Jennifer Dysinger
School Counselors
Amber Gunning
Andrew Sneeringer
Cheyanne Ort
Mary Hey
Kathy Bagian
Jennifer Dysinger
Robin Kazakavich
Andy Sheffer
Todd Teal
Dir Safety & Security Services
Dave Zumbrum
Resource Member
True North Wellness Counselor (D & A)
MH/IDD Caseworker (Mental Health)