Keystone Testing Information
Exam Dates
Keystone Exams:
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in Algebra I, Literature, and Biology. At NYCSD, the Algebra I assessment may be given in grades 7 through 11. The Literature and Biology assessments may be given in grades 9 through 11. Keystone Exams are administered in the winter and the spring. The Middle School and High School will communicate which students are taking which test and on what date. If you would like to learn more about our performance on Keystone assessments, please visit the Future Ready Index webpage at For general information on the Keystone exams, please review this document: Informacion para padres o tutores - Information for Parents or Guardians
The 2024 -2025 winter and spring testing windows are listed below.
Winter Wave 1: December 4-18
Winter Wave 2: January 6-17
Spring: May 12-23
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