Booster Information
Boys' Volleyball Booster Officers, Contact Information, and
Recent Minutes Located at Bottom of this Page
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Northern High School Boys' Volleyball Team.
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Northern High School Boys Volleyball
Next Booster Meeting: May 18th at 5:30 PM in the HS Cafeteria
Thank you for your help in the Concession Stand during Home Matches!!
In lieu of doing fundraisers, we are asking each family to make a $100 family donation.
You may drop off a check (made out to Northern Boys Volleyball Boosters) at
the concession stand at the first home game. Thank you!
The Concession Stand serves as a fundraiser for the NVB Boosters and Hoss's Community Night is also a fundraiser for us. Please support these events by purchasing snacks at the concession stand and by attending Hoss's community night. Thank you!
Family Donations/Solicitation Letters - March 25th
Player Profiles - March 14th
Hoss's Community Night - April 25th
Senior Night - May 5th
Year End Banquet - May 18th or May 26th (if we make the playoffs)
Northern Boys Volleyball
2022 Booster Officers
President: Chrissy Hoffner (, (717) 798-4504)
Vice President: Julie Moyer (, (717) 676-1316)
Treasurer: Cindi Brubaker (, (717) 502-2098)
Secretary: Tabitha Deller (, (717) 443-6081)

President: Chrissy Hoffner (, (717) 798-4504)
Vice President: Julie Moyer (, (717) 676-1316)
Treasurer: Cindi Brubaker (, (717) 502-2098)
Secretary: Tabitha Deller (, (717) 443-6081)
Booster Meeting Minutes
Click on the files below to view the meeting minutes.